Progressive and culturally sophisticated, Uruguay is South America’s version of the French Riviera, and for good reason, too! Home to many artists, writers, dancers and singers, be sure that dreamy Uruguay has nothing short of an incredibly interesting culture. Whether you decide to stroll across the cosmopolitan areas, or dig deeper into wildlife watching along the Atlantic coast, there is just so many things one can do.
Known as the goddess of the sea, Yemanja embodies the feminine principle of creation… The prolific divinity doubles as the spirit of moonlight where fishermen refer to her as their patron saint. A festival is regularly held in her name, with people gathering at midnight to cook on campfire, eat, talk and dance at the Yemanja Sea Goddess Celebration. Some even prepared offerings, like candle-lit little boats filled with flowers and watermelons.
A popular hangout for many residents in the area, Plaza Independencia is one huge garden filled with structures built in commemoration. Its obelisk erupted at the very heart of the plaza serves as a reminder in memory of their first Spanish governor-general Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, and a 30-ton statue of independence hero Jose Artigas also stands 17-metres high. Its age-old acacia trees definitely witnessed many phases of Cebu’s rich history.
With a seemingly infinite parade of candombe groups, flag wavers, floats, dancers and traditional characters, the Llamadas Carnaval is perhaps the highlight of the carnival season. In respect to the Yoruban religion brought by West African slaves in the 16th century, people would celebrate their freedom with a combination of music and dance; a candombe culture that is unique and traditional in musical expression.
To Stay: Estancia Vik Jose Ignacio - For those keen to stay at a contemporary colonial-style mansion, the Estancia Vik Jose Ignacio might be the place to be. Sprawling across a 4,000-acre near-seaside property, the place showcases edgy South American artwork and innovative design. It might be unexpected of a high-end Uruguayan ranch, but its aesthetic makes for a perfectly cozy traditional afternoon asado (barbeque), or down-to-earth outdoor activities like horseback riding under the big Uruguayan skies.
It may seem that flamingoes are out of place in Patagonia, but Chilean flamingoes are regular inhabitants of the many lakes and lagoons at the Chacabuco Valley. Pinker than the slightly larger Greater Flamingo, they stand in flocks of several thousand. Keen to watch? Go to the saline wetland of the Arroyo Maldonado; refuge to more than 200 bird species and home to the largest crab colony in the region. It’ll be stunning.
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