Feature Time!

The design studio is the brainchild of Michael Szivos. Over the years, the New York-based studio has been involved in various design and production projects that take the form of many mediums; from digitally-fabricated large-scale sculptures, to interactive design, to immersive digital video installations.


  • Museum of the Future, 2017: Following the Musem of the Future exhibition themed ‘Climate Change Reimagined,’ looked at speculative urban models that dealt with future climate change. 
  • IBM MWC, 2017: Hand-in-hand with IBM and their cognitive platform, Watson, created a large-scale installation for the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona earlier this 2017, where it drew inspiration from the many creations by Gaudi. grew to focus less on the medium, and more on ideas. It embraces projects that require significant research and experimentation, culminating insights in which its creative team feeds off of for inspiration. In all that wonderful mix, it gives life to rich spatial, graphic, interactive and visual experiences. 

Museum of Future collaborated with various minds including MoMA, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The New Museum, The New York Times, Surface Magazine, Columbia University, Pratt Institute, and more; showcasing their work in galleries throughout New York City. Currently, it works on new projects in Europe and Asia. So keep on the lookout for their incredible work! 

One State Street

One State Street, 2016: Commissioned by One State Street, designed a permanent wall installation at the building’s new lobby. Seen from various angles, the crystalline structure reflects all sorts of variation of color.


Ventricle, 2016: Commissioned by the Southbank Centre in London, produced two hanging sculptures that redirects the spectrum of light, both amplifying the colorizing the light that comes in. 

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